Follow-Up on "Mesmerise" App
This application presents a simulation of Gravity / Magnetism.
The application is organized as follows:
1) Three Points are generated in the environment.
a) RED Point : Generates particles with different Initial Velocities and Initial Angle
b) GREEN Point : Deviates the trajectory of each point according to the law of attraction
c) BLUE Point : Draws the line between the BLUE and RED Particles generated by RED Point.Observe Gravity Impact on the Surroundings
2) The whole environment generates different patterns which run in cycle
3) This visual will be used in a proper game in the future
The user has more control such as the following:
- Drag & Drop for the Following Three Control Points:
-> The position of the particle generation initial position.
-> The Gravity Point.
-> The RED / BLUE Particle line delimiter.
- Retractable / Expandable Options Menu.
- Control when the particles are being reinitialized.
- Control the force of the Gravity & the possibility to get back to the default values.